My Wife. My Hero.

8 years ago today Shelly’s life was forever changed by that freak accident in our kitchen.
We learned how fortunate we were that it didn’t take her life.
I think back to those early days where she was unable to walk or talk, and I am amazed at the progress that she has continually made to get to today.
All of the patience and hard work that she puts into improving still is so remarkable and inspiring for me to watch.
Every single day she diligently works on exercises to help her brain continue to improve.
I learn so much from how she chooses not to dwell on what she can’t do anymore, instead focusing on how blessed and grateful she is to still be here with us.
Her grace and positive attitude has enabled me to understand what truly matters.
My prayer is that the PTSD that can trigger crippling fear in her will someday no longer be an issue.
She’s so humble that she hates it when I call her my hero; but…Shelly truly is my hero 🙂

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