Heroes Can Be Met

While recently hospitalized for 53 days with Pneumonia from the coronavirus, music played a huge part in my survival. Music has always been a tremendous part of my being. I gather such clarity and hope from it. On my first night at the hospital, I listened to a podcast. Halfway through I realized that I … Continue reading Heroes Can Be Met

The Day I Was Released After 53 Days In a Hospital Bed

I'm currently working on a piece that discusses the highs and lows of my 53 days away from home. In the meantime, I thought I'd share a few short videos of my recent release and "jailbreak" towards home. https://youtu.be/CD921BC64RI Out of the room & moving down the hall.... https://youtu.be/vSfXu1ReX5o My wife, Shelly, pushing me towards … Continue reading The Day I Was Released After 53 Days In a Hospital Bed