The Day I Was Released After 53 Days In a Hospital Bed

I’m currently working on a piece that discusses the highs and lows of my 53 days away from home.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share a few short videos of my recent release and “jailbreak” towards home.

Out of the room & moving down the hall….
My wife, Shelly, pushing me towards the “fresh air”!

Next, my mom drove me back to my neighborhood due to the PTSD from my wife’s Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Appreciating my MOM driving me to my neighborhood!

Below is a typically beautiful Arizona sunset, with a couple of F-35’s heading towards the runway at Luke Air Force base. We in the neighborhood call it “The Sound of Freedom”.

A beautiful Arizona Sunset with the Luke Air Force Base F-35’s heading towards landing.

5 thoughts on “The Day I Was Released After 53 Days In a Hospital Bed

  1. Wow.. Yours is an incredible story. I’m sorry to hear you all went through so much much and am glad you made it back home safely. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Have a beautiful day!


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